Our Daily Routines

Children are warmly greeted at the classroom door by the teacher and assistant. The first part of the day includes open-ended free play where students explore theme-related activities in various centers around our rooms, including art, building toys, dramatic play, science and math investigation, manipulatives, puzzles, and games. All activities are intentionally chosen with specific learning goals in mind. Large group activities vary, depending on the age of the students, but all classes use this time to introduce key concepts, read stories, and interact with a calendar and a daily weather graph. Bible lessons are also taught during circle time.

Every class enjoys 30 minutes of outdoor play on our beautiful playground with bikes, cars, balls, shovels, slides, climbing equipment, and a sand box. Students take turns bringing snacks from home to share during our snack time. Each class also has some time set aside for sharing books.

At the end of each day, our teachers meet with the parents to briefly review the fun activities from the day and to provide any important reminders for families.

Chapel and Music

Our classes meet weekly in a chapel and music program. The classes begin in our Day Chapel with a prayer and an age-appropriate Bible lesson. The music program includes singing, playing instruments, and learning about music in a fun, interactive way. If you’d like to know more about our beliefs, click here.

Special Events

We enjoy seeing families at school. Annual family days are planned during the school year. We enjoy a Valentine’s Family day in our classrooms, a fall trip to Frying Pan Farm Park in October, a Family Day Giving Thanks in November, a Christmas Program in December, a Winter Family Days in February, and a Family Day Picnic at a nearby park in May. We also have many classroom special events such as the fire department visiting with a puppet show and their big trucks. We watch caterpillars hatch into butterflies and release them and many more fun learning opportunities.